
KBR (Kellog Brown and Root) Defense Base Act Claims (DBA)

Attorneys Jo Ann Hoffman & Associates has litigated defense base act (DBA) claims against KBR (Kellog Brown and Root). No matter where the injured person lives we can represent them.

KBR is one of the largest military contractors in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Djibouti. We have represented injured civilian contractors for injuries sustained while working for KBR as firefighters, security, in burn pits, plumbers, and electricians. In Iraq, the injuries have occurred in construction work to those working as an electrician, plumber, mechanic, and warehouseman.

If you have been injured while working for KBR, contact Attorneys Jo Ann Hoffman & Associates for a free consultation regarding your rights.

Do not let KBR nor its insurance company AIG choose your doctor. You the injured worker have the right to choose your own doctor.

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