Defense Base Act Claims
INJURED AT WORK OR PTSD FROM WORK? If you or your loved one is suffering from an injury at work or psychological issues from working overseas for an America company, we can help.
The Defense Base Act provides significant protection to security guards in war zones working for American companies. This is a form of worker's compensation, so you don't have to prove that somebody else was at fault for the accident.
Let me give you an example. Say you have nightmares from working in a war zone where bombs were dropped. You will need a medical report saying your injuries or psychological conditions are due to your work in a war zone. You can make a claim even if you were exposed to bombs 10 years ago. You need to file a claim within 2 years of getting a medical report linking your condition to your employment.
We will file a claim for you to obtain necessary medical care as well as lost wages which will often be paid in lump sum settlement at the conclusion of your case. Death benefits can be claimed should your loved one have made the ultimate sacrifice for the employer. You do not need to be a United States citizen to qualify under the Defense Base Act (DBA). If you are still working in a war zone, give your employer written notice of your injury or your psychological issues before you leave the base. If the employer won't provide you with medical treatment send them an email saying you were injured and need treatment. For foreign individuals it is vitally important to secure legal counsel and representation as 99% of those cases are denied and nothing is paid without litigation or coming to a settlement.

South and Central America: Lima, Peru, Bogota, Columbia, Santiago, Chile and Honduras.
Africa: Central Africa Republic, Kampala, Uganda, Senegal.
The World: Kuwait, Bahamas, South Korea, Kosovo
We handle DBA cases all over the world from our base of operations in Florida. We file claims for physical injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, hearing loss and family members to receive death. PTSD can cause significant stress for the family when the security guard returns from war zone work. Most employers do not fully advise workers of their rights, and may leave them "in the dark" as to their right to medical care, lost wages, and a potential settlement. Quite frankly injured workers have been sent home to get medical care on their own. Our job is to help make sure that injured workers obtain the settlement to which they are entitled! We want fully informed clients so they can make the best decisions for their future.
Remember, we take all cases on a contingency fee. That means that we NEVER charge you any fees or costs unless we recover monies from your Employer or its Insurance company. They are the ones who pay our fees and costs. Consultations are always free. DON'T DELAY YOUR CASE! CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY! We look forward to helping you. 954-772-2644.