Not all jobs are dangerous, but accidents do happen! Be prepared! (Part One)

Most people think that they know the types of jobs or occupations that are inherently dangerous. And, to be candid, you probably are correct about many of them. However, there are a few surprises and no matter what you are doing, no matter how safe your job or occupation, accidents do happen! Sworn police officers, fire fighters (firemen) and correctional officers are subject to being shot or stabbed in the line of duty. Road patrol officers, in particular, travel tens of thousands of miles a year on our roads and highways and they get into motor vehicle accidents. Construction workers; especially those that work "the high steel" and are involved in large construction projects, such as a new baseball stadium; get injured from carrying incredibly heavy loads or falling from great heights. Roofers also fall from roofs and occasionally get burned (3rd degree burns) by tar that is 500 degrees or more. Electricians get electrocuted, truckers get into truck accidents or injure their backs unloading their trucks, etc., etc. Tree trimmers occasionally fall out of trees and while a fall from ten feet can break bones; what about a thirty of forty foot drop? Get the picture?
There are plenty of dangerous jobs and professions. What may surprise you are the professions that don't sound so dangerous, but are. Also, even in the most harmless sounding jobs, weird things do tend to happen. The purpose of these articles is to open some eyes on what could be a dangerous situation and to advise you as to what to do if you or your co-worker gets in to a workplace accident (on the job injury).
For example, did you know that nursing is an incredibly hazardous profession? The image of a nurse just giving you a pill or taking your temperature doesn't sound bad, but imagine the nurse being exposed to infected blood in the operating room? Or, getting accidentally stuck with a contaminated needle? Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA or C.N.A.) are particularly at risk because they are often the ones who transfer patients. Some patients weigh a great deal. Some patients can not move themselves and are, therefore, a "dead" weight. Some patients have Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia conditions and they can attack the nurse that is helping them!
And these are just some of the "dangerous" jobs. Amazingly, some safe-sounding positions have an element of risk. How does sitting at a desk, on the telephone, answering questions about software sound? Chairs break, people fall. Carpeting nearby gets wrinkled causing a trip and people fall. Sitting so long at a computer can cause carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS or C.T.S.). Working for a florist can mean delivering flowers, and that involves a potential for a car accident. No matter what happens, no matter where it happens, no matter how it happens you should do three things: (1) report it to your boss or supervisor, (2.) request medical help, and (3.) call a workers' compensation lawyer! Most attorneys do not practice workers' compensation (also called w.c., w/c, work comp, or workman's compensation). Call a workers' compensation attorney with a lot of experience for help.