
Florida Injury Attorneys Blog


Another Success Story

You probably already know that our passion is to help the injured! Let me give you a bit of background on how we arrived at this point.  As a child Attorney Hoffman watched her mother lay in bed suffering for months recovering from injuries suffered in a car accident where…



Nuestro bufete de abogados les gusta encontrar casos de responsabilidad de terceras partes y obtener una resolucion monetaria para los clientes.  Sin embargo, no mentiriamos a un cliente acerca de su reclamacion de terceras partes. Para dejar en claro que nohay demandas pendientes válidas contra Triple Canopy y/o SOC. Esto…


Para hacer un reclamo hacia DBA es necesario completar el formulario de ganacias

Para aquellos trabajadores que han sido enviados a las zonas de guerra, y han descubierto que tiene lesiones una vez que regresaron a su casa, incluso si esta en un país diferente. Si usted tiene dificultad para escuchar por haber estado expuesto a bombardeos o experimenta pesadillas o reacciones de sobresalto a…


Making a DBA Claim and Completing the Earning Form

For those workers who have been sent to war zones to work, you may discover you have injuries once you return to your home even if in a different country.  When you are having difficulty hearing from being exposed to bombing or experiencing nightmares or startle responses to loud noises,…


The Simple Solution to Control AR Rifles

Florida has experienced the tremendous loss associated with the Parkland shooting which is now among the 10 deadliest mass shootings in America. It is time for us to come together and implement change so these mass shootings stop. Many people are coming up with ideas. I have been encouraged by…


Longshore Benefits for Injuries or Death on Tow Boats

Longshore benefits are available to workers injured on recreational yachts over 65 feet and to those working on towboats or tugboats of any size per 33 USC 902 which is the Longshore statute.  When the injury occurs on such a maritime vehicle, the questions are 1. what benefits are available…


Pedestrian Knockdown Settlements in Florida

Tourists, visitors to Florida, and city pedestrians: Please realize there is a high incidence of pedestrians knockdown accidents and bicyclists being struck by cars in Florida. As a City, Fort Lauderdale is ranked last in terms of safety. These are reasons to look all ways and be super careful when crossing a…


Lesiono mientras trabajaba en el extranjero en el extranjero

Si usted se lesiono mientras trabajaba en el extranjero para un contratista estado unidense, lo primero que debe hacer es reportar su lesion y presentar un formulario LS-203 con prueba de que lo notifico a su empleador DBA. Es una buena idea enviar dicha notificacion por correo electronico al ajustador y tambien al mismo tiempo mandarse una copia ha usted mismo, para que posea prueba del envío. Asegurase de enviarnos un mensaje de texto a 1-754-317-2823 para una consulta gratuita especialmente si usted esta teniendo problemas psiquiátricos despues de ser estacionada en una zona de guerra. Es muy importante…

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